Be independent

3rd party directories cannot replace owned media

Handling location data can prove quite demanding. Many locations, much information, great difficulty in keeping all such data updated. So usually, a decision is made to rely on a single 3rd party directory service for handling such requirements.

But, is this a prudent decision?

Fool me once, lose me forever

Location data

Location data might be demanding, and 3rd party directories offer a quick and easy way of putting one’s business on the map, but this is a double-edged knife.

Search results

Location data might be demanding, and 3rd party directories offer a quick and easy way of putting one’s business on the map, but this is a double-edged knife.

No brand should rely solely on 3rd party services to hand out location information to its users. Instead, one should build support for location info in their own website, and resort to 3rd party services only in order to supplement its online presence.